Jumat, 08 Juni 2018

Daily report #29 (english version)

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh 

     Hi guys, how are you? Today I will write a little about the science that I get in the kitchen, today is the last day we carry out practice activities in this semester. Today is the final activity of practice carried out by 2 groups at once. Namely group three and group one. As usual before carrying out all the activities first we pray together and receive referrals by incharge Lecturer.  Reverrals given by lecturer about japanese food and indonesian food. On this occasion, group 1 is working  menu of Indonesian food, while group 3 is working  japanese food menu.

      Because since the another of my friends  belong to the group three, then we are given the opportunity to work on japanese food menu.

Japanese food


Miso soup



Above is the kind of japanese food we make today, from all the above we are divided into small groups of 2 to 3 people per group. On this occasion two of my friends and I mine was entrusted to make kind of main course "sushi" dish.

      Sushi (鮨, 鮓, or usually す し, 寿司?) Is Japanese food consisting of rice formed with side dishes (neta) in the form of seafood, meat, raw or cooked vegetables. [1] The sushi rice has a delicate sour taste because it is flavored with a mixture of rice vinegar, salt, and sugar.

    The origin of the word sushi is an adjective for sour taste written in kanji sushi (酸 し?). In the beginning, sushi written with the kanji 鮓 is a term for one type of fish preservation called gyoshō (魚 醤?) Which fishes with salt, yeast powder (麹 koji?) Or sake of duck (糟 kasu?). Writing sushi using the kanji 寿司 which began in the mid-period Edo period is a way of writing ateji (writing with other kanji that sounds the same).

The types of sushi that we make are listed below:

1. Temaki

2. Salmon negiri

3. Shrimp negiri

4. Gunkan

5. Sushi roll

      Sushi that we make today alhamdulillah is quite satisfactory. Because sushi that we make Aapreciated  well by the lecturers. This is not solely because of the knowledge we have. But it is also closely related to teamwork. Because if we are compact in doing an activity then the result would be better. You should know guys, that apart from knowledge and skill, in a group that should take precedence is teamwork or cohesiveness.

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