Senin, 28 Oktober 2019

Daily Report "English version" #1

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabaraktuh

     Ehh meet again, don't feel already entered the 5th semester Guys, the training period has passed and now back again to the campus. In this semester our focus is focused on the pastry and bakery section, which means that in this semester we will develop potential in this field. Pastry and bakery is a section of the kitchen that serves to make various types of processed bread and cakes as well as various other types of processed markets. In this section, it takes a lot of patience and perseverance, because here we always play with our hearts and feelings. Without those two things, everything we do will be in vain.

    Now apart from the above, this time I will go back to talk about the activities that we did for the past 4 days.

The first day

     Today we enter at 08.00. The activities we are doing today are still cleaning the kitchen, and tidying the tools and materials available. Re-checking the materials placed in the chiller or freezer, the damaged / spoiled / no longer used material must be disposed of so as not to damage the other ingredients known as "cross contamination", to avoid this, proper handling of materials is needed. .

The second day

     On the second day we began entering campus material as usual, today we started to enter fast food material. maybe for some people this word still sounded a little strange, even more for the laity. Now for that I will explain a little about fast food, please see carefully. Many people think that the terms fast food and junk food are the same, but basically the two terms are different. So actually junk food is not a synonym of fast food, guys! Junk food is a group of low-nutrition foods, aka low-nutrition, including vitamins, protein, and minerals. Meanwhile, fast food tends to be the way it is presented, the term for food that is served quickly. Good nutritious food or not, if you can get it in a short time means that it is included in the fast food category.

    Well, that was a little explanation about fast food, then we continue again for practical activities. today our activities are limited to preparation, which means we only prepare materials that we will use the next day. After the practical activities, as usual we will carry out general cleaning activities until finished.


    The third and fourth day of the activities that we do the same, namely operations for fast food. for that I do not need to explain at length again. for documentation there is this:

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