Kamis, 29 Agustus 2019

Recipe OJT#1

Butter Roll

Ingredient :
1      kg  All purpose flour
22    gr   Salt
22    gr   Sugar
30    gr   Yeast
120  gr   Butter
20    gr   Milk powder
100  ml  Fresh milk
500  gr   Water
Steps :
1. Knead all ingredient on setting speed 1 (3 minutes). Then setting 2 for 8 minutes, add butter and          knead for 8 minutes.
2. Let rest the dough approximately 15 minutes or until the dough become doubled in size.
3. Divide dough in to 35 gr each. shape it round, place in to mould (buttered and floured).
4. let sit for sheet pan proofing for 10 minutes, after rice place butter dice on top of the bread slowly        and baked at 464 F/240 C for 20 minutes until cooked through.

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