Senin, 24 September 2018

Daily report #10 (english version)

Assalamualaikum waramatullahi wabarakatuh

Hi gaes. How are you. As usual, I will return  the news about today's activities. Like on the previous day, I was still in charge of helping group 1 to make an appatizer dish. All types of food that are appatizers on the celebes buffet menu are done one by one until the final stages. Today's  buffet menu is "dojang nakeng and rujak Mie. This food, made based on ingredients that have been prepared the day before.

Dojang nakeng

For making dojang nakeng, actually the method we want to use is the sous-vide method. However, because the tool is being used, so we only cook it by Saute. The dojang nakeng we made, the main ingredient consists of squid and shrimp, which are then mixed with red spices, orange leaves, a little basil, bay leaves. When the aroma starts to feel, then we add the roasted coconut and the most important thing is salt and papper.

Rujak Mie

After a little explanation of the manufacturing procedure from dojang nakeng, then we turn to rujak mie. Rujak mie  are one type of appatizer whose sour taste arises because the rice vinegar is used. The basic ingredients used are curly noodles which are then boiled and drained. After that, dressing is added as a flavor enhancer. The dressings used consisted of sweet soy sauce, soy sauce, vinegar and garlic slices. The taste generated from the combination of these ingredients is sour, sweet and refreshing. Which makes our sense of taste stronger. So that it triggers appetite.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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