Rabu, 22 Agustus 2018

Daily report #5 (english version)

Assalamu'alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Hello gengs, I will tell you about the experience that I will put into this blog in the form of writing or daily report. As usual I will tell you from the beginning of the activity. So, today's activities begin at 7:15. But I came 10 minutes later with 3 of my friends. So as a result we get a sentence, the punishment is not a blow and not a bluff. But as a punishment we were not presented (without explanation) for 4 hours. It teaches at once a warning that we can be disciplined and not repeat the same mistakes again.

When the clock was showing at 8:00 a.m., we were again collected for the provision of materials and at the same time distributing menus. The type of menu given today is the same as the previous day's menu, namely Indonesian buffet. What is different from the day before, yesterday we only prepared the ingredients that will be used until the food processing, but not to the final stage or finishing, whereas on this day, all existing menu items must be completed to the final stage, namely presenting on the plate.

The food made today is presented on an oval plate which is clean and sterile from germs and bacteria, when plating, things that must be considered are, area cleanliness, individual hygiene. Don't forget to use the hand glove when doing it so that food is not contaminated with germs and bacteria, because we already know that humans are the biggest bacterial carrier factor or medium. When doing the plating, do it slowly and use feelings and estimates like one of my lecturers said "use your heart, use your feeling" so that the results can be perfect, beautiful and interesting.

Below is the documentation from the menu that we made today.


Dojang Nakeng

Rujak Mie


Soto padang

Soto Banjar

Main course
Nasi putih
Rendang daging

Terong santan

Plecing sayur

Ayam bakar taliwang


Roko-roko cangkuning

Bubur kacang ijo

Wassalmu'alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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