Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabaraktuh
Today was the last day we practiced this week. On the previous day we were divided into two groups which was one group handled the table d'hote for today and also prepared for Friday blessing. We as a group one handled Table D'Hote today, Me and some friends took over the maincourse, which was the main course was spaghetti blognese.
When all the food was almost done, then there was news from friends who had headed to the restaurant. He said, today's restaurant did not accept food those made in the kitchen because of student semester 5 handled those food. Which was actually the one who handled this food was ADH semester 3. Eventually the foods we cooked today did not release to the restaurant because of that.
Even though the food wasn't released we continued the process of making those food, because we had done it halfway, so saying if it wasn't continued. After it finished, then we continued to prepare materials that we will use for Friday's blessing tomorrow, we will distribute several packets of rice to people in need not far from the campus area.
Hello gaes, my name is Yusril Mahendra Suardi. Usually known as Yusril Now I'm study at Makassar Tourism polythenic, in the food production departement. If your're curious about my activity in this blog. So, come and let's join to read my blog.
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