Asslamu'alaikum warahmatullahi
Today I will again tell about
today's activities, yesterday we have prepared a fast food menu for today.
However, there are changes that are set in nature, in which we are required to
change the theme where today's menu is fast food and then changed to a Table
D'Hote serving menu. Instantly we served this food directly in the serving of
Table D 'Hote which consisted of Appatizer, Soup, Main course, and consisted
also of dessert (Dessert).
In full we will explain a little
about the types of courses we provide for Table D'Hote, the first appetizer,
the appatizer that we present is, Taco. Taco is a typical Mexican food
consisting of got or folded tortillas filled with various types of fillings,
such as meat, fish, vegetables and others.

Next is suop, pumpkin cream soup is
a soup that we have prepared for table d'hote. Pumpkin soup is a soup that
belongs to the type of thick soup made from puree of pumpkin that was
previously roasted on the oven until the texture becomes soft. which is then
mashed with mashed techniques to produce a soft and smooth texture. Next cook
with a mixture of cream, milk, and a little thickening agent if the texture is
too runny.
Pumpkin Cream Soup

The third is fish and chips. It is
a dish made from fish and potatoes as the main ingredient. This food comes from
the United Kingdom which is located on the European continent. This dish is
made from fish covered with flour and bread flour, which is then fried using
Deep Fry technique, this food has potatoes as a companion. very enjoyable to
enjoy when hungry. Hahahah.
Fish and Chips

Finally, dessert. Dessert is one
type of corses that is loved by contemporary millennial children. especially
with an interesting dessert snack and of course it also tastes good causing
addiction to this food is quite high. However, a little we remind you not to
overdo this food, because it contains a lot of calories that can cause obesity
and many other diseases.
Cream Cheese Brownie

You must remember !!!! Food on top
of everything is delicious, eat enough food to excess, because everything that
is excessive is not good. As the word of Allah SWT. In (Surah Al-A'Raf: 31)
وَكُلُوا وَاشْرَبُوا وَلَا تُسْرِفُوٓا
"Eat and drink, but don't
overdo it." (Surat al-A'raf: 31)
We feel this is enough for
today, Hopefully useful bloggers friends.
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi
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