Selasa, 06 Maret 2018

Daily report #10 (english version)

Assalamau'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

     Hello guys. On this practice, Tuesday, March 6 2018. I went to campus at 06:30, and arrived at 7:00 am. So the time that I use when leaving for campus is about 30 minutes. When all the students have arrived and we are complete then we are directed line in front of the kitchen. In that position our senior incharge performs the usual attendance process before entering the kitchen. Name by name is called to the last student. After the attendance by the seniors finished. Next we were directed back to go to cold kitchen. Inside the cold kitchen we were given instructions to line up in oneline positions. In that position the senior incharge provides little instruction and material about the practice menu we created today. The material provided is complete enough and easy for us to understand. After the completion of the material then the senior divides us into 2 groups, as a group that has been predetermined. On this occasion that gets mandate to supply food to the restaurant is group 1. While group 2 Continued the research project.
Today I and other friends as group 1 continue the preparations that have been made the previous day. We continue to prepare activities in connection with the menu that we will suplay to the restaurant on this day. The list of our menu on this day, listed below:

Table D 'Hote "menu rotation 1.4"

Chicken liver And herb pate hollandaise sc

Clam chowder

Spaghetti bolognaise

Baked custard tart


      On this occasion, some of my friends and I who belong to the group of 10 (small group that has been previously divided, which consists of 3-4 people), given the mandate to handle the menu Clam Chowder. The documentation of the clam chowder we made today is listed below:
Clam Chowder

       The restaurant opened at 12:00, on this day I was given the chance to learn to be a table manner in the restaurant. This is the first  time I refused to be a table manner, but because of the senior incharge requesting that I should not refuse. Because this is the first time so at first I had time to think that the table manner is very inconvenient. Instantly it changed when I entered the restaurant. Although at first I was still stiff and still not understand with it. But slowly I finally get to mingle with the circumstances and enjoy it. As a table manners there are some rules or procedures that are applied when you want to eat foods either an appatizer to the dessert menu. And I also tried to follow all of these things, one by one the food contained on the menu issued. Which is where the first menu issued is an appatizer (appetizers) followed by soup, main course, and dessert. After all the food has been served then we eat the food in accordance with the rules that apply. Lastly after the food is stolen up we are welcome to leave the restaurant and go back to the kitchen.
After returning from restaurant. then I headed to the kitchen and immediately march in the cold kitchen in a one line position. Back again in that position we were given the opportunity to review about the food we ate in the restaurant. One by one of us explained 1 menu item. And on this occasion I was given the confidence to review Clam Choder. In spite of that we are further shown how to make french dressing and sousvide way for chicken salad hawaian. Step by step is shown until the process is complete.
        At 15:50, we were given a chance to rest for 30 minutes. For this rest  time I use as well as possible to perform duhur prayer and lunch. After the prayer and lunch, we were given instructions to march in the cold kitchen in a one-line position. Inatruksi given in the form of division of the group for the implementation of routine activities after the paraktik, namely General Cleaning. The general cleaning done on this day is quite slow. Because gc is held at 18:00 and ends at 19:15. And last we left campus at 7:45 pm.

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