Kamis, 08 Maret 2018

Daily report #12 (english version)

Asslaamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh 

        Hallo guys, on this occasion I will return to tell you about my routine activities during my practice. In practice this time, Tuesday 08 March 2018. I left for college at 06:20. And arrived at 07:00. My trip this time to college a little bit late. Because halfway through the journey I was confronted by the rain. But, fortunately I always provide a coat. As the saying goes "always ready umbrella before it rains". Because I do not have an umbrella. So I created my own saying "no umbrella coat so". After I put on my coat then I was conditioned and pushed through the rain. Because my mind is no one can be limited to me to  reach my goals. The frame that is present is a concrete wall, especially if it only rains.
         From my story above. My friends and me entered the kitchen at 08:00. But before the senior incharge attend the second semester students in a oneline position. Next we were directed to go to cold kichen. There we were directed to line up in oneline position. In this position again like the day of the previous day, we were given.running about materials that have been cracked and then proceeded to supplied to the restaurant. On this occasion our group, the team of ten back pre-made we had made before. We are given a trust to make potato Au Gratin and glazed root vegetable, because the material we wont to use for this menu is less, so we have to rethink what materials can be a substitute for the less material. Then I asked one of MTB's lecturers about what substitute materials would be suitable. Long enough we verb-talk and ultimately the lecturer, the decision of the materials to be used are green beans and carrots in jardinierre pieces. As for the results of our products, are listed below :

        Today, the restaurant opens at 12:30. One by one the food is supplied to the restaurant where Begin by appatizer to dessert. The type of menu that is supplied to the restaurant today is Rotation menu I.2. The list menu of rotation I.2 listed below:

Menu Rotasi I.1

Macedoine of Vegetable Mayonaise


Minestrone Soup


Fillet of Fish Menuere
Potatoes Au Gratin
Glazed root Vegetable


Choux A La Creme

(Hard Roll)

After all the dishes that have on the menu has run out, the restaurant was closed. And it's time for us to clean the work area and all the equipment we use today. Starting from the smallest to the motorized.
     At 13:30, my Friend an I Go to the mosque that is inside the campus area and perform the duhur prayer there. After the prayer duhur. I took a break in the mosque while doing blog task. And after that I comeback to the kitchen and immediately march in the cold kitchen in the position of one line. In that position we were given a little evaluation and little input. Then we were given time to rest until 16:30. I used this break for lunch. Afterwards I went back to the kitchen and then again lined up in one line position. In that position, we were divided into several groups to carry out routine GC after practice. Gc activities are done to completion.

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