Rabu, 21 Maret 2018

Daily report #13 Mid practice (english version)

Assallamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

     Hallo guys, how are you guys today? I hope you are not saturated with my routine during the practice week. On this day, Tuesday, March 20, 2018. I go to campus at 06:00. On the way I had to stop at the nearest Gas station attge jl. Perintis kemerdekaan, because the volume of gasoline in my motorcycle tank little left. After that I continued the journey until I arrived on campus. But before I go to campus, first I arrived at my friend's board, to take toolbag that I Entrusted yesterday. Due to today's mid-practice schedule we were at the same time, so we went to campus simultaneously

    At 7:00 pm on campus. My friends and I, edo and fadhil are waiting for another friends. After all the friends gathered in front of the kitchen, then we rushed to enter the kitchen, in order to mid practice. On this occasion the opportunity to do mid practice is group 3, my friends and I belong to group 3. Inside our kitchen line up in online position while waiting for the lecturer who will supervise us in this mid exam. Lecturer arrived in the kitchen precisely in the cold kitchen at 08:45. Upon arrival at the cold kitchen, the lecturer immediately gave a little opening remark and continued with the explain by every CDP on this day. One by one CDP explained their menu, my friends and I handles the same menu, we are handles the main course part of "fillet of fish menuere".
    After the explanation has been completed, then we are given waivers with the other friends who want to help us. Each group gets a member who will help him during the process of doing progress. We are wich handle the fillet of fish menuere get 2 members, nata and gabriel. After all the groups have got the next member we are given the opportunity to do. In this process, since I am a CDP today. so I give directions to both my members to proportion the dori fish that we will use. They apply the cutting fish supreme, with the weight of each portion is 100 gr.

      We proceed marinating for fillet of dori fish after finishing of the dorsal. The ingredients we use for marinating are, fresh milk, salt papper, and lomon juice. Then stand for 1 hour for the marinade to sink in. After 1 hour passed our fillet fishnya we breeded and then in shallow fraying. By using saute pan alternately and butter that always replaced so as not black and smelly. After we finished we went to set the fillet fish menuere above the plate. This we do until all is done. The amount of pax ready today Are 40 pax. The menu list that we created today is as follows:
Rotation menu 1.2

Macedoine og vegetable mayonaise

Minestrone soup

Fillet of fish menuere
Potatoes au gratin
Glazed root vegetable

Choux al la creme

(Hard roll)

     The restaurant opens at 13:00, and we also supply food to the restaurant in accordance with the order of guests at the restaurant. One by one the food is delivered to the restaurant. Until all guests have their orders. Not all the food we had made, went out to the restaurant. But only about 24 of the courses. After the restaurant is declared close. We then collected food that did not get out of the room in a container. And the plate we returned to the restaurant.

     At 17:00 we are doing Gc in the kitchen area, we divide the work area so we will not. Later on when the gc process takes place, and to keep everything running smoothly without any obstacles. In the process of this gc, I Get part to clear  and move The office stationary from the old office to the office while to the office that has been in renovated. The gc process runs smoothly and finishes at 18:00. But after that we did not immediately go back home. But we have to wait back about 45 minutes because one of the group that prepare  bika ambon failed. So they have to repeat to make it back. And finally we left the kitchen at 19:00.

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