Selasa, 03 April 2018

Daily report #15 (english version)

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh 

      Hi guys, how are you? On this occasion I will tell you a bit about my activities, today. On this day, Tuesday April 03, 2018 I left for college from my friend's house in gowa. I left at around 06.30 and then arrived at the campus at 6:44. Mileage from my friend's house to college about 13 or 14 km, and About for 20 minutes. This time my travel time is quite long because the road that I passed I have not memorized and still Pegged google maps. Though I only traveled 13 km but the travel time 20 minutes. Thats so long enough?
     Arriving on campus, then me and some other friends, gathered in front of the kitchen while waiting for other friends to come. When all has arrived as well as senior incharge. Next we are directed to gather in front of the kitchen in oneline position. In that position the senior conducts the attendance process and also check our grooming and Check our kitchen tools . One by one the students are summoned and checked for completeness. Then directed to the cold kitchen.
      In the cold kitchen we were directed to line up in oneline positions and given instructions and explanations about the rotation menu 2.1 by one of the incharge and senior lecturers. One by one courses menu are explained up to the last course. This explanation is clear and easy to understand. After all has been explained, then we are back divided into 2 groups as the previous group. Today the group finishing for food is group 2 and group 1 continues project task. However, one of our lecturers wanted each representative of a small group in group 2 to help group 1. And I represent the group one of the small groups that is group 10 to help group 2.
     On this occasion I helped goup 2 specially group 9 to finish chinese spinach and peanut salad. What we do today is the remaining blanching spenach and mixing with dressing, peanut and plating or presenting just before the restaurant is declared opened. When plating we have constraints, namely we lack spenach which is the basic material, and stock spenach in chiller empty. So we have to try the material can sufficient  the order as much as 30 pages. And finally with the maximum effort spenach we use enough for 30 pages.

     At 10.00 is the time for group 2 prepare materials to be used next day. And I helped prepare this process, because I also belong to the group 2 in particular group 10. On this occasion a group of 10 is given a mandate to prepare materials that will be used for the menu Khao Niew Ma Muang. Because  the time required to make this type of food is quite as short and fairly easy so we are advised to do it tomorrow. This time we just prepare only raw material, we have not done the processing of the material.
     At 16.00, we do gc activities which is a routine activity after practice, by cleaning the entire kitchen area including all the equipment in it. This gc activity is faster because we do not take time to rest, so after doing we are directly divided into groups and then do gc until all the process is complete.

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