Senin, 16 April 2018

Daily Report #18 (english version)

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh 

      Hi guys, come back again I will tell you a bit about the activity on this practice. As always I will present my activities today in a daily report. Today I went to campus as usual at 06.00. Before went to the campus I usually stop at my friend's kost  on jalan gontang raya. There I took a break to just unwind after a long journey. When the time has shown at 07.00, then it means we have To go to the campus and stay in front of the kitchen. While waiting for another friends. 

      Well guys, after all the friends have been in front of the kitchen, next we are directed to the cold kitchen, and march there in the oneline position. In the cold kitchen we are given material about the menu that we will prepare on this day, that is Japanese food. The material given is Materiall associated with the menu. Which includes the materials to be used, the way to make it, to provide a presenting reference to good food for us.

      But today is different from the previous practice, where we did this activity not with the previous group, today we are scattered into the new group. But that is not without reason. Today we are scattered into new groups because there are some of our friends who are not allowed to participate in today's practice. Maybe if you know the problem, you will think of it as trivial, but not for our lecturers. The root of the problem is the disobedience of 16 people in general cleaning activities.

      You need to know guys, that general cleaning activity, is one of the obligatory activities and very important for us to do after carry out the practice. Because it also involves the cleanliness of the kitchen area as well with food hygiene in it. And our lecturer said that "you must be obliged to practice gc, because this will not be separated from and your duty when you are still in the culinary world, Likewise if you are in the industry".

      Today, it is a meeting for us all. In order for us to raise awareness to carry out general cleaning activities. Because it is part of our future work. Gc today is only carried out by those 16 peoples. They do general cleaning throughout the kitchen. Starting from cold kichen to main kitchen, as well as with the front page kitchen. They are required to complete it at 4:30 pm. it is a punishment given by the lecturer to them.

Documentation of menu prepare Japanese food:

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