Selasa, 17 April 2018

Daily report #19 (english version)

Assalamualiukum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

      Hi guys, like the day before, in practice this time I will return to tell about the activities on campus during on this day. As usual I will present it in the form of daily report. today we are divided into 2 groups, as the group has been specified previously. Group 1  prepared activities. While as, group 2 performs finishing stages against materials that have been prepared on the previous day. The menu made by group 2 is Japanese food. Below is a list of Japanese food menus made today.

Menu rotation II.4


Miso soup



      Ok guys, since because today's this menu as we make is Japanese food. So through this blog I will explain a little about japanese food. Masakan jepang, or Japanese food, is a cooked cooking dish that uniquely flourishes in Japan and uses groceries from the country itself (japan) and its surroundings. In japanese, japanese food is called nihonsoku or washoku. You need to know guys, the characteristic of japanese cuisine is a typical ingredient and herbs and spices that used are not too much. Can be said the food is simple because it only relies on the natural taste of the main ingredient used. However, make no mistake guys, even though, made Japanese food  is quite difficult because there are materials that require more special treatment when processing this material. And also takes patience and tenacity in made various types of Japanese food.
      Regardless of the above, let's get back to reality. As usual after carrying out activities in the kitchen, then the activities we must do and obligatory to be implemented is the general cleaning activities. This activity, carried out together with the 4th semester who also practices in the kitchen today. Gc activities start with cleaning utensils and equipment and proceed to clean the kitchen area as a whole.

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