Senin, 19 Februari 2018

Daily Report #5 ( English version)

"Prepare For Table D'Hote "Menu Rotation I.1"
      In practice this time, Monday 19 February 2018 we entered the kitchen at 08:00. But before that first we collected in front of the kitchen in the position of one line and then we absent one by one in that position. Once finished we enter the kitchen and then headed to the cold kitchen and lined up in one line position. Before giving the material that took place in the cold kitchen first we pray together so that all activities on this day will run smoothly. In giving this material delivered by our incharge teacher Mr.Syahrial. The material given is Table D'Hote material, the material given by Mr. syahrial is very complete. Start from the most basic things from Table D'Hote to the smallest. So the material that is given is very clear and detailed, although taking considerable time. But the amount of time spent was not worth the useful science we got.
      After the giving of the materials by the incharge lecturer is finished. Furthermore everything that will be done is left to senior incharge. By the time the senior incharge took over, they explained a bit to us about the menu we were going to make on this day. As for the type of menu we will make is Table D'Hote "rotation menu I.1"
Table D'Hote
Hawaian Chicken Salad
Shrimp Bisqui
Beef Stew
Bake Of Potato
Zucchini Saute Provencale
Butter Cake
French Bread

From the menu listed above, we as a group of 10 were given the confidence to make a french bread. In making french bread we use the Recipe listed below:
French bread

Quantity:  Ingrediants:
875 Gr      Water
45 Gr        Yeast
1500 Gr    Hard Flour
30 Gr        Salt
      When finished making french bread and other menun. We are also given the opportunity to rest at 15:30 to 16:30. At rest I used time for lunch with one of my friends. After lunch we wanted to get back to campus. But what I did not want to happen was that my stomach was so sore that I could not afford to go back to college. And finally I came back earlier than the other students. I'm back at 16:00.

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