Rabu, 21 Februari 2018

Daily report #7 (english version)

Table D'Hote "I.2 rotation menu"

On this practice, Monday 21 February 2018. We entered the kitchen at 08:00. As usual before entering into the kitchen, first performed the absence process by senior incharge. Name by name is called to the last order. After the next absence, we were given direction to gather in cold kitchen in one line position. In that position the senior incharge gives a little direction about the menu that will be supplied to the restaurant today. The menu supplied today is Table D'Hote (rotation menu I.2). In the process we were divided into several groups ie groups working on the appatizer, soup, main course, and group handling dessert. The menu that we suplay to the restaurant listed below :

Table D'Hote (rotation menu I.2)

Macedoine of vegetable mayonaise

Minestrone souop

Fillet of fish menuere

Potato au gratin

Glazed root vegetable

Choux a la creme

     The amount of menus that are supplied to the entire restaurant is 40 pages. Which consisted of :


Main course


The restaurant open at 13:30 and closed at 14:15. On this occasion the group that did suplay food to the restaurant was group 2, so group 1 did the research task. After all is over and the official restaurant is closed, then group 1 do prepare for the menu that will be suply to the restaurant tomorrow. Menu that will be in the suplay is rotation menu I.3. They prepare to finish. And finally after all things have been completed we are directed to line up in a one line position in the cold kitchen. In that position we were given a little direction and then we were rested at 14:30 to 15:30.
      At 15:30 after the break, we were again collected in the kitchen in one-line position. In the cold kitchen we provide evaluation and input by seniors in connection with the menu that we made today to finish. Next senior. Furthermore, senior incharge divide us in some group in general cleaning order. General cleaning is done around the kitchen area. There is a work on the main kitchen floor, and the union is in charge of cleaning the table working and stove and some people served as a steward to complete. After all we finished, we are given the opportunity to take a break and re-assemble in one-line positions in front of the kitchen. We left the kitchen at 17:30.

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