Selasa, 20 Februari 2018

Daily report #6 (english version)

Table D'Hote "Menu Rotation I.1"

      In practice this time, Tuesday, February 20, 2018 we entered the kitchen at 07:45. Before entering the kitchen as usual senior incharge attendance. After the next absence, we collected in cold kitchen in one line position. In that position our incharge teacher Mr. syahrial gave a material explanation about the menu that we will spend to the restaurant. The explanation starts from the appatizer menu, soup, main course until dessert. The explanation given by him is very useful and detailed. Apart from the explanation of the menu he also provides reviews and evaluation of the menu we previously prepared. From the evaluation there are many things that must be improved especially for the beef stew and yellow butter cake menu.
     After giving the materials and evaluation by the lecturer incharge then we divided into 2 groups. The one in which group 1 gets the responsibility for doing today, and remains in the kitchen. While group 2 gets a part to create a research blog outside the kitchen. Group 1 doing food to restaurant at 12:00 to closing at 14:30. Likewise with group 2 who do the research work from 10:00 until at 11:30. Associated because I belong to group 2 then my job is to make research assignment.
      At 11:30 we are instructed by lecturers to prepare raw materials that will be used for Table D'Hote menu "rotation menu I.2" tomorrow. In the prepare this time take over is group 2 because group 1 is still busy supplying food to the restaurant. In this prepare we are divided into 3 groups consisting of groups working on appatizers, maincourse, until dessert. On this occasion we as a group of 10 given the mandate to handle "Macedoine of vegetable mayonyse. However the documentation and prescriptions of macedoine of vegetable mayonaise is listed below.

Prepare Macedoine of vegetable mayonaise

Quantity:      Ingredients:
1 kg                 cooked carrot (1/2 cm dice)
1 kg             cooked white turnip (1/2 cm dice)
500 gr             cooked green beeans
500 ml            mayonnaise
500 gr.            green peas
To taste          salt
To taste          white papper
25 gr               lettuce (forunderliners)
25 gr               tomato wedges (for garnish)

      When we are finished we are given a break for lunch from 15:20 to 14:20. After the next rest continued general cleaning activities in the kitchen area. In general cleaning this time I'm placed in cold kitchen area and butcher together with some of my friends. Gc process lasted long enough because we had to mop back the main kitchen floor to really dry. And finally gc today was completed even though there are little obstacles. Gc finished at 16:50, but we did not leave the kitchen immediately but we had to wait a while until the floor and all the equipment in the kitchen to dry perfectly. And finally we left the kitchen at 17:30.

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