Kamis, 22 Februari 2018

Daily report #8 (english version)

Designing research tasks

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

     In practice this time, Monday 22 February 2018. I arrived on the campus at 07:30. As usual before entering to the kitchen first senior incharge perform student attendance semester 2 in one line position. One by one the name of the student is called up to the last student. After the absence process is completed the senior incharge leads us to go directly to the cold kitchen. And lined up in one line position. In such a position, usually the senior incharge always gives directions to us before carrying out activities today. And do not forget we also prayes before the routine in the kitchen done.
      After the briefing is over we are divided into 2 groups, according to the previously shared group. On this occasion a turn to do is group 1, As for the results from the menu created by group 1 are listed below:

Menu rotasi I.3

Sambal ulang ulang

Sop kacang merah

(Bebek menyatnyat
Nasi putih
Sambal matah
Plecing kangkung)

Bika ambon 

 And on the odher hand group 2 get  turn to continue research forum. Since  I and several other friends are included in group 2 our duty and obligation is to continue the research task. Research product that we designed is processed from catfish. However, in the middle of the process we got a call by the lecturer to work together to fix the class, pick up all the equipment in the class and move it to the next class. This revamping activity went smoothly until the last transfer of equipment.
      After the improvement is complete, we continue the work of research assignment. For our research assignment we look for things related to our design product. Starting from the nutritional value contained, the benefits to the side effects of the product design. But another constraint product that we have to design is really real own design and has never been made or published by other parties. So we have to re-think hard to get a new product innovation that interesting and can invite the attention of the public. Not finished with the design because it is limited by time so our research tasks are paused today and will be continued in the next practice.
      At 14:00 we were given a chance for a lunch break until 15:00. At break time we make time for lunch to keep energy awake because we still have to continue the next activity. As for the activities we do after the rest of the god General Cleaning, which is a routine activity done after doing practical activities in the kitchen. Like the previous general cleaning, we were divided into several groups. To better simplify the GC process. On this occasion I and other friends were given a trust to clean up the pastry & bakery until it was done. At 16:30 we were given directions to gather in a one line position in front of the kitchen. And in that position we are again given advice and evaluation of the activities that took place today. And alhamdulillah all running smoothly. And last we left the kitchen at 16:45.

Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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