Jumat, 18 Mei 2018

Daily report #25 (english version)

Assallamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Hi guys, since this week is the last practice week of the 2nd semester, so I'll be back to tell you a bit about the experience and knowledge I'm getting today. The science and experience I got during this 2nd semester, is very much and very useful for me. Because the knowledge given by the lecturers and seniors delivered well and clearly, so easy to receive and we apply in practice activities in the kitchen. In this semester we were given material around Table D 'Hote rotation menu. Starting from Indonesian food, chinese food, Thai food, Japanese food, and much more.

On this occasion I will explain a little about Indonesian food which is our practice menu today. Starting from appatizer to dessert.

1. Jalangkote (appatizer)

Jalangkote is a typical Makassar culinary snack that looks similar to pastry. The difference is pastel pie has a thicker skin than jalangkote and when pastel eaten with cayenne pepper, jalangkote eaten with vinegar mixture of vinegar and chili. Jalangkote has the contents of carrots and potatoes are diced, bean sprouts, and laksa are pan-fried with garlic, onion red, pepper, and other spices.

2. Sosok utan (soup)

The figure of the utan is one type of Indonesian food dish made from various types of vegetables. Like, spinach, pumpkin, and sliced ​​chicken.

3. Konro bakar dan nasi (main course)

The grilled cones are inspired from modern cuisine like steaks. Although the process of cooking ala western but the spice used is still traditional Makassar.Konro grilled served with a flavor of Makassar nuts with sprinkling onion fried on top and soup konro sauce and white rice.

4. Pisang ijo (dessert)

Banana or ijo banana ijo is a typical food in South Sulawesi, especially in the city of Makassar. This food is made from the main ingredients of bananas wrapped with green flour dough. How to cook it by steaming in the dandang. The dough is made from flour, water, and green dye made from a mixture of water with suji or pandan leaves.

Well, that's a little explanation about the indonesian food especially in the area of ​​south sulawesi. Ok guys, next. As usual after the practice we have to carry out general cleaning, which is where the purpose is to keep the kitchen area in a clean and hygiene situation. Both from the work area and the equipment used. Gc is done together with seniors. Implemented starting from the smallest to the largest. Gc takes about several hours and ends after everything is in a clean state.

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