Rabu, 09 Mei 2018

Daily report #22 (english version)

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Hi guys, I will never be bored to convey about the science that  I got during on my practice in the kitchen. I hope you are. Because useful science is the science that is shared and practiced in everyday life. As always I will explain a little about the routine that we do in the kitchen. Starting from entering the kitchen, receive materials, make a menu, until the general cleaning process in the kitchen today. Everything we do today is still under the supervision of lecturers as well as seniors.

Today, I entered to the kitchen earlier than other friends, two of my friends and I must be there at 07.00. Due to the previous day we were given the responsibility to prepare white rice on the day. We were on campus according to the scheduled schedule and upon our arrival there. We immediately prepared the Rice we will cook. The rice we use is japanese rice, why we use japanese rice? The answer is, because the menu we will make is "japanese food (sushi)". Why we don’t use the general rice? The answer is in the next paragraph.

Ok guys, the answer to the above question is, because the texture and shape of Japanese rice and berad in general is very different. Well, through this blog I will explain the further difference between Japanese rice and rice used in general.

1. Japanese rice suitable for making susi and easy to take with chopsticks, while Indonesian rice is not sticky like Japanese rice, and difficult to eat with chopsticks.

2. Japanese rice has a short and round shape of grain, while Indonesian rice has a long grain shape.

Well, that's the difference between  Japanese rice and general rice used in Indonesia. And that is also the reason why the rice used in making sushi is Japanese rice.

After rice into rice, then mix the rice with ingredients listed on the receipe, such as mirirn, rice vinegar, dashinomoto etc. are listed in receipe. Next form the Rice in various forms and variety of sushi. And as for the types of sushi that we make is, nigiri, temaki, gunkan, california roll, and unagi negiri.

Documentation of sushi

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