Sabtu, 12 Mei 2018

Daily report #24 (english version)

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Hi guys, today my classmate and I go into the kitchen at 07.00. 1 hour erlie  than the previous day. It is not without reason, we are required to come at 7:00 am because on the day we made a mistake, which we misused the material when making one of the types of dishes we made on that day. Actually the material we have to use is ginger but because there is an error indistinguish between ginger and kencur so that is derived is kencur. Although the amount of kencur used is not much, but it feels quite noticeable. Mistakes can happen to anyone and anytime, because they are human nature, and man is his place wrong and wrong. However, even so we still have to make it a very valuable lesson. As the saying goes "learn from mistakes, one day you will succeed".

Ok guys, because of the above error. Through this blog I will give a little explanation about the differences from any kinds of ingredients used in the kitchen, such as galangal, ginger, kencur, and turmeric. Which when we look at a glance is quite difficult to distinguish.

1. Ginger

Ginger has a shape like a human finger joint, have a distinctive scent like in wedang ronde, wedang ginger or ginger candy. Ginger also has a slightly spicy flavor and gives a warm effect when eaten. The inside of ginger has a fairly soft and yellowish fiber.

2. Galangal

Galangal or laos have a coarser skin texture and have a less strong aroma. The meat tends to be harder and more fibrous. Besides as a spice in cooking, according to people first galangal also has efficacy to treat skin diseases.

3.  Turmeric

Turmeric or turmeric is widely used as a herbal medicine and combined with tamarind, so be the turmeric tamarind. Yellowish yellow and orange have a texture that overtime and easy if sliced or grated. Yellow color in turmeric is often used for food coloring. Turmeric also has efficacy as a gastrointestinal disease drug.

4. Kencur

Kencur has a distinctive skin than the three 'twin'. Kencur has a fragrance that is not too strong but it can to refresh the aroma of food and have a little bit of fruit flesh similar to turmeric, but softer.

Ok guys, that's a little explanation about the difference between ginger, galangal, kencur and turmeric that’s what I wrote on this blog. Hopefully through this explanation, we can distinguish several types of materials listed above. And make the mistake that has occurred as a means for self introspection to be more active learning to avoid the same mistakes do not happen again.

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