Rabu, 09 Mei 2018

Daily report #23 (english version)

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh 

Hay guys, back again I will give you a little science that may be useful for you, especially for  you who choose a culinary majors. In addition to giving a little about the experience in the kitchen during practice today, I will also give a little clarity about what the menu that the others friends and I make in the kitchen. For that, keep reading and take the positive things listed on this blog. Because this is very useful if you understand it. And also can be used as a reference for matters relating to the contents of this blog.

In this practice, as usual we enter the kitchen at 08.00. We were directed to go to cold kitchen and and march in oneline position. There we were given directions and instructions before we made the appropriate food with the menu. The direction given is very clear and easy to understand. All directions and instructions given we apply in the process of making food. Whether it's the preparation of tools and materials, cooking methods are applied, to the stage presented.

The menu we created today is the II.1 rotation menu (chinese food). Ok guys, maybe some of you do not know about chinese food and the food characteristics. Through this blog, I will explain a little about the characteristics and a little explanation of chinese food itself. Chinese cuisine is a culinary produced by Chinese people, both in China and overseas, including in Indonesia. The term Chinese cuisine in mainland China also refers to the variations of all the tribes, religions and traditions that flourished in the country. However, Chinese cuisine introduced to many nations in the world of majority is a Han ethnic cuisine. The influence of Han ethnic cuisine exists in every culinary of the eastern countries and spreads beyond its communities around the world.

The preparation of Chinese dishes for the day-to-day can be short and easy, but for formal occasions can be a diverse and lively dish. The philosophy of Chinese cuisine is the food must satisfy the taste and complete the taste, however simple the ingredients. Well that is the above, a little explanation about chinese food. Hope it's easy for you to understand. And do not forget to keep learning and learning.

On this occasion, of the many chines food menu available. The third of my friends and I listed  on my group, given the mandate to handle the beef rice bowl. So we made that day beef rice bowl, in accordance with the mandate given. In the previous day we have prepared the meat that will be used in the next day. The type of meat we use is tenderloin. So here we cut the meat in the form of thinly slice. And then dimarinating using materials contained in receipe. After overnight dimarinating, the next day we immediately make until presenting.

Well, one more activity that is very important when we do activities in the kitchen, and this should not be forgotten. Yes, general cleaning is the activity. General cleaning is as usual we carry out along with the seniors. Starting from the smallest equipment to the motorized equipment and difficult to move. Gc is implemented until finished and until the kitchen is really in a clean state.

Menu rotasi II.1 (Chinese food)
Chinese spenach and peanut salad

Tradisional egg drop soup

Beef rice bowl

Tang yuan

Tang Zhong

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