Sabtu, 01 Desember 2018

Daily report #24 (english version)

Asslamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Alhamdulillah, to this day I am still given health and opportunity by ﷲ to write down practical activities in this blog. Today's activities begin at 08.00 as usual. It starts with gathered in the kitchen and then pray led by the class leader, to be given fluency when carrying out activities today. as usual after praying we were reviewed by lecturers and seniors who were incharge, about today's practice menu.

After review, then we were immediately given the opportunity to directly make food according to today's practice menu, namely, the a la carte 2 menu which consists of appatizer, souop, maincourse, and dessert. Like yesterday several of my friends and I were given the task of handling all types of meat, seafood, and poultry. In other words we served as butchers. But because today is the last day of the week of practice, the Butcher's task is not too much, different from the previous day.

Due to the fact that orders for Butcher have been reduced, some of us who are members of this group have chosen to help other sections who still need help. And today I help in the main kitchen section. In my kitchen, I helped handle Tuna Carpaccio, tuna carpaccio, one of the dishes made from tuna, which was cooked by sous-vide at 45 ° C for 15 minutes, then continued with the pan seared process. Pan seared is a method of cooking by using a heavy based pan with high heat and a little oil / butter. And finally the Tuna carpaccio that I handle today was ordered by the restaurant.

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