Sabtu, 01 Desember 2018

Daily report #27 (english version)

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Today I arrived on campus at 7:30. there I waited for a friend who still hadn't arrived. When everyone has gathered in front of the kitchen, then we are ready to use all of our equipment, such as blanc savoir, apron, necktie, and napkin. After that, we immediately rushed into the kitchen and gathered again on the onoeline position. For the attendance process and also listen at the same time pay attention to the direction of our lecturers and seniors. But before all that, we first pray as usual to always be given fluency and also an understanding of what we do.

Today is our last day of practice in the Makassar Polytechnic Kitchen for this semester, so we hope that today can run smoothly and better than the previous day. like the previous day, the 2 others of my friends and I  returned to nasi campur. The mixed rice condiment (supplement) that we made yesterday and today remains the same, just different from the presenting on the plate. Today we work with a calm and relaxed mind, so that everything is well organized. starting from the cooking process to the presenting stage, everything is arranged in such a way.


When the open restaurant process runs, as I said above, that we work on all orders calmly and structured. So that everything goes smoothly and thank God that you can finish quickly. And when the restaurant has said close the order we immediately say thank you for the fluency given by God. Then before the general cleaning, we took a moment to take a picture together, like that with our seniors and friends of the same age. This was done because today was the last day we practiced at Kichen for this semester. and for our next semester, God willing, we will go to training for 1 semester. We will make this photo as a mement that we will remember during the training.

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